عدد المساهمات : 3042 السٌّمعَة : 1 تاريخ التسجيل : 24/04/2009
برنامج للتلفون النقال يساعد العميان في "الرؤية"
من تصميم شركة iVisit امريكية الذي يستخدم الهاتف المحمول كاميرا التعرف على الأشياء اليومية وسوف يساعد المكفوفين وضعاف البصر اليومية أكثر سهولة التعرف على الأشياء والتنقل بشكل مستقل.
SeeScan’s a text-to-speech app designed by US firm iVisit which uses a mobile phone’s camera to recognise everyday objects. When the camera’s pointed towards something the app recognises, a description’s read out to the user.
A database helps the software identify various objects. The database can be trained, iVisit claimed. Presumably a sighted person’s help is required here.
The firm’s also pitching SeeScan as an app for reading out labels from medicine bottles.
Its second app, SeeStar, is a location awareness tool designed to act like a pair of eyes for the user.
SeeStar connects to a sighted remote assistant who describes the visually impaired person’s surroundings according the image the phone’s camera is picking up. GPS data and Google Maps also helps the assistant define the person’s exact location.
But SeeStar isn’t totally dependent on the sighted remote user, because it’s also able to automatically recognise landmarks and signs.